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DBcollect is a tool that collects database and host information from Oracle database servers in a standardized way, so it can easily be processed by workload analysis tools.

DBcollect on Github


# Install dbcollect via the quick install metohd
[root@db01 ~](-) # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outrunnl/dbcollect/master/scripts/download | python
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1925  100  1925    0     0   4372      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4375
Github dbcollect downloader - download the latest dbcollect release
-> Retrieving GitHub metadata from https://api.github.com/repos/outrunnl/dbcollect/releases/latest
-> Downloading binary version 1.6.0 from https://github.com/outrunnl/dbcollect/releases/download/v1.6.0/dbcollect
-> md5 hash: c943738c2f589758add20f1ef495423f
-> Saving binary as dbcollect
-> Setting permissions to mode 775
# Move dbcollect in /usr/local/bin ($PATH)
[root@db01 ~](-) # sudo mv dbcollect /usr/local/bin
# Test version
[root@db01 ~](-) # dbcollect -V
dbcollect 1.6.0 - collect Oracle AWR/Statspack, database and system info
Author:    Bart Sjerps <bart@outrun.nl>
Copyright: Copyright 2020, Bart Sjerps
License:   GPLv3+, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Version:   1.6.0
Builddate: 2021-54-24 09:54

Run dbcollect

# Verify dbcollect contents
# As dbcollect is actually a ZIP file, you could unzip it and verify the code
[root@db01 ~](-) # unzip -v /usr/local/bin/dbcollect
Archive:  /usr/local/bin/dbcollect
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 06-24-2021 09:53 00000000  modules/
       0  Stored        0   0% 06-24-2021 09:53 00000000  sql/
       0  Stored        0   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 00000000  lib/
    7890  Stored     7890   0% 06-24-2021 09:53 69c764c0  dbcollect.py
    2060  Stored     2060   0% 03-02-2021 08:38 808202b2  modules/updater.py
       0  Stored        0   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 00000000  modules/__init__.py
    4211  Stored     4211   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 94eb789d  modules/awrstrip.py
    7470  Stored     7470   0% 06-08-2021 11:19 ca6e6bd2  modules/syscollect.py
   18030  Stored    18030   0% 06-24-2021 09:53 c2123dc2  modules/oracle.py
       0  Stored        0   0% 09-29-2020 16:23 00000000  sql/__init__.py
    2883  Stored     2883   0% 12-09-2020 20:57 ff3541aa  sql/instance.sql
    5765  Stored     5765   0% 12-09-2020 20:57 11ea706c  sql/database.sql
    5726  Stored     5726   0% 12-09-2020 20:57 e7cb4bcb  sql/pdbinfo.sql
     580  Stored      580   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 d31abc0d  sql/awr_report.sql
     562  Stored      562   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 8b34f5af  sql/awrusage.sql
    1966  Stored     1966   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 ad771e51  sql/getawrs.sql
    1974  Stored     1974   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 434e6838  sql/getsps.sql
     580  Stored      580   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 95a440f6  sql/sp_report.sql
   22899  Stored    22899   0% 06-24-2021 09:53 0cce1b41  sql/dbinfo.sql
      87  Stored       87   0% 10-30-2020 20:54 967cb29d  lib/__init__.py
    1800  Stored     1800   0% 10-16-2020 16:33 086a8907  lib/user.py
    3228  Stored     3228   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 e1d507b6  lib/archive.py
    3101  Stored     3101   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 5487c955  lib/functions.py
    2471  Stored     2471   0% 06-04-2021 14:38 d351f5b2  lib/log.py
      58  Stored       58   0% 06-24-2021 09:54 8fed2ee0  __main__.py
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   93341            93341   0%                            25 files

# Run dbcollect (default 10 days of AWR, user 'oracle'
dbcollect 1.6.0 - collect Oracle AWR/Statspack, database and system info
INFO     : dbcollect 1.6.0 - database and system info collector
INFO     : Current user is oracle
INFO     : Zip file is /tmp/dbcollect-db01.lan.zip
INFO     : Collecting OS info (Linux)
INFO     : Collecting Linux SAR files
INFO     : Collecting Oracle info
INFO     : Found instance DEMO on /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
INFO     : Found instance DEMO2 on /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
INFO     : Found instance demo on /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
WARNING  : Skipped demo (DOWN)
INFO     : Found instance DB01 on /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
INFO     : DB01: AWR usage detected, generating reports 
INFO     : Generating Oracle AWR/Statspack reports, with 1 workers
INFO     : processing instance DB01
report 15 of 230 (6.5% done), elapsed: 0:00:34, remaining: 0:08:18